Peer-reviewed Publications
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*Students supervised/mentored
Carrion-Avilés, P.; Raeymaekers, J.; De León, L.F.; Chaves, J.; Sharpe, D.M.T; Huber, S.; Herrel, A; Vanhooydonck, B.; Gotanda, K.; Koop, J.; Knutie, S.; Clayton, D.; Podos, J. and Hendry, A.P. 2022. The terroir of the finch: how spatial and temporal variation shapes phenotypic traits in Darwin’s finches. Ecology and Evolution. 12 (10): e9399.
Groves, V.*, Sharpe, D.M.T., Nkalubo, W., and Chapman, L.J. 2021. Trends in an emerging artisanal fishery on the African cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. Fisheries Ecology and Management. 29 (2): 156-168.
Castellanos-Galindo, G.A., DR Robertson, D.M.T. Sharpe, and ME Torchin. 2020. A new wave of marine fish invasions through the Panama and Suez canals. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6(8): 1239 – 1239.
Sharpe, D.M.T., de Lira, J.J.P.R., G.E. Brown, M.E. Torchin, and A.P. Hendry. 2020. Testing the prey naiveté hypothesis: can native prey recognize an introduced top predator? Biological Invasions. doi: 10.1007/s10530-020-02369-4
Valverde, M.*, D.M.T Sharpe, M.E. Torchin, D.G. Buck, and L.J. Chapman. 2019. Trophic shifts in a native predator following the introduction of a top predator in a tropical lake. Biological Invasions. doi: 10.1007/s10530-019-02119-1
Beausoleil, M.O., L.O. Frishkoff, L.K.M’Gonigle, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, S.A. Knutie, L.F. De León, S.K. Huber, J.A. Chaves, D.H. Clayton, J.A.H. Koop, J. Podos, D. Sharpe, A.P. Hendry, R.D.H. Barrett. 2019. Temporally varying disruptive selection in Darwin’s finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289: 20192290. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2019.2290
Geladi, I.*, De León, L. F., Torchin, M., Hendry, A., Gonzalez, R., and Sharpe, D.M.T. 2019. 100-year time-series reveal little morphological change following impoundment and predator invasion in two Neotropical characids. Evolutionary Applications. 00: 1 - 17. doi:10.1111/eva.12763
Escobar-Camacho, D., Pierotti, M.E.R., Ferenc, V., Sharpe, D.M.T., Ramos, E., Martins, C., and Carleton, K. 2019. Variable vision in variable environments: the visual system of an invasive cichlid (Cichla monoculus, Agassiz, 1831 ) in Lake Gatun, Panama. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222 (6): 1 - 11. doi: 10.1242/jeb.188300
De León, L.F., D. M. T. Sharpe, Gotanda, K., J. A.M. Raeymaekers, J. Chaves, A. P. Hendry, and J. Podos. 2019. Urbanization erodes niche segregation in Darwin's finches. Evolutionary Applications. doi:10.1111/eva.12721
Sharpe, D.M.T. and Chapman, L. J. 2018. Contemporary phenotypic change in correlated characters in the African cyprinid, Rastrineobola argentea. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 124(1): 85-98.
Castillo, A.*, D.M.T. Sharpe, Ghalambor, C.K., and L.F. De León. 2018. Exploring the effects of salinization on trophic diversity in freshwater ecosystems: a quantitative review. Hydrobiologia, 807: 1 - 17.
Sharpe, D. M. T., De León, L. F., González, R. and Torchin, M. E. 2017. Tropical fish community does not recover 45 years after predator introduction. Ecology, 98: 412–424. doi:10.1002/ecy.1648
*Martínez C., *Chavaría C.*, Sharpe D.M.T. and De León, L.F. 2016. Low predictability in colour polymorphism in introduced guppy (Poecilia reticulata) populations in Panama. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0148040. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148040 (PDF)
Sharpe, D.M.T., Low-Décarie, E., Langerhans, B. and Chapman, L.J. 2015. Little evidence for morphological change in a resilient endemic species following the introduction of a novel predator. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 28 (11): 2054 – 2067. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12720
Gotanda, K., Sharpe, D.M.T. and De León, L.F. 2015. Galapagos Mockingbird preys on an invasive mammal. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 127(1): 138-141. doi: 10.1676/14-055.1
Sharpe, D.M.T., and Chapman, L.J. 2014. Niche expansion in a resilient endemic species following introduction of a novel top predator. Freshwater Biology. 59(12): 2539-2554. doi: 10.1111/fwb.12452
Downing A. S., van Nes E. H., Balirwa J. S., Beuving J., Bwathondi P. O. J., Chapman L. J., Cornelissen I. J. M., Cowx I. G., Goudswaard K. P. C., Hecky R. E., Janse J. H., Kaufman L., Kishe-Machumu M. A., Kolding J., Ligtvoet W., Mbabazi D., Medard M., Mkumbo O. C., Mlaponi E., Munyaho A. T., Nagelkerke L. A. J., Ogutu-Ohwayo R., Ojwang W. O., Peter H. K., Scheffer M., Schindler D. E., Seehausen O., Sharpe D.M.T., Silsbe G., Sitoki L., Tumwebaze R., Tweddle D., van de Wolfshaar K. E., van Dijk H., van Donk E., van Rijssel J. C., van Zwieten P. A. M., Verreth J., Wanink J., Witte F., Mooij W. M. Coupled human and natural system dynamics as key to the sustainability of Lake Victoria's ecosystem. Society and Ecology. 19(4): 31 (PDF)
Sharpe, D.M.T., Wandera, S.B. and Chapman, L.J. 2012. Life history change in response to fishing and an introduced predator in the East African cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. Evolutionary Applications, 5(7): 677-693. doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2012.00245.x. (PDF)
Sharpe, D. M.T. and Hendry, A.P. 2009. Life history change in commercially exploited fish stocks: an analysis of trends across studies. Evolutionary Applications, 2(3): 260-275. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2009.00080.x (PDF)
Perry, J.C., Sharpe, D.M.T., Rowe, L. 2009. Condition-dependent female remating resistance generates sexual selection on male size in a ladybird beetle. Animal Behaviour, 77 (3): 743-748. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.12.013
Sharpe, D.M.T. , Räsänen, K., Berner, D., and Hendry, A.P. 2008. Genetic and environmental contributions to the morphology of lake and stream stickleback: implications for gene flow and reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10 (6): 849-866. (abstract)
*Students supervised/mentored
Carrion-Avilés, P.; Raeymaekers, J.; De León, L.F.; Chaves, J.; Sharpe, D.M.T; Huber, S.; Herrel, A; Vanhooydonck, B.; Gotanda, K.; Koop, J.; Knutie, S.; Clayton, D.; Podos, J. and Hendry, A.P. 2022. The terroir of the finch: how spatial and temporal variation shapes phenotypic traits in Darwin’s finches. Ecology and Evolution. 12 (10): e9399.
Groves, V.*, Sharpe, D.M.T., Nkalubo, W., and Chapman, L.J. 2021. Trends in an emerging artisanal fishery on the African cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. Fisheries Ecology and Management. 29 (2): 156-168.
Castellanos-Galindo, G.A., DR Robertson, D.M.T. Sharpe, and ME Torchin. 2020. A new wave of marine fish invasions through the Panama and Suez canals. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6(8): 1239 – 1239.
Sharpe, D.M.T., de Lira, J.J.P.R., G.E. Brown, M.E. Torchin, and A.P. Hendry. 2020. Testing the prey naiveté hypothesis: can native prey recognize an introduced top predator? Biological Invasions. doi: 10.1007/s10530-020-02369-4
Valverde, M.*, D.M.T Sharpe, M.E. Torchin, D.G. Buck, and L.J. Chapman. 2019. Trophic shifts in a native predator following the introduction of a top predator in a tropical lake. Biological Invasions. doi: 10.1007/s10530-019-02119-1
Beausoleil, M.O., L.O. Frishkoff, L.K.M’Gonigle, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, S.A. Knutie, L.F. De León, S.K. Huber, J.A. Chaves, D.H. Clayton, J.A.H. Koop, J. Podos, D. Sharpe, A.P. Hendry, R.D.H. Barrett. 2019. Temporally varying disruptive selection in Darwin’s finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289: 20192290. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2019.2290
Geladi, I.*, De León, L. F., Torchin, M., Hendry, A., Gonzalez, R., and Sharpe, D.M.T. 2019. 100-year time-series reveal little morphological change following impoundment and predator invasion in two Neotropical characids. Evolutionary Applications. 00: 1 - 17. doi:10.1111/eva.12763
Escobar-Camacho, D., Pierotti, M.E.R., Ferenc, V., Sharpe, D.M.T., Ramos, E., Martins, C., and Carleton, K. 2019. Variable vision in variable environments: the visual system of an invasive cichlid (Cichla monoculus, Agassiz, 1831 ) in Lake Gatun, Panama. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222 (6): 1 - 11. doi: 10.1242/jeb.188300
De León, L.F., D. M. T. Sharpe, Gotanda, K., J. A.M. Raeymaekers, J. Chaves, A. P. Hendry, and J. Podos. 2019. Urbanization erodes niche segregation in Darwin's finches. Evolutionary Applications. doi:10.1111/eva.12721
Sharpe, D.M.T. and Chapman, L. J. 2018. Contemporary phenotypic change in correlated characters in the African cyprinid, Rastrineobola argentea. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 124(1): 85-98.
Castillo, A.*, D.M.T. Sharpe, Ghalambor, C.K., and L.F. De León. 2018. Exploring the effects of salinization on trophic diversity in freshwater ecosystems: a quantitative review. Hydrobiologia, 807: 1 - 17.
Sharpe, D. M. T., De León, L. F., González, R. and Torchin, M. E. 2017. Tropical fish community does not recover 45 years after predator introduction. Ecology, 98: 412–424. doi:10.1002/ecy.1648
*Martínez C., *Chavaría C.*, Sharpe D.M.T. and De León, L.F. 2016. Low predictability in colour polymorphism in introduced guppy (Poecilia reticulata) populations in Panama. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0148040. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148040 (PDF)
Sharpe, D.M.T., Low-Décarie, E., Langerhans, B. and Chapman, L.J. 2015. Little evidence for morphological change in a resilient endemic species following the introduction of a novel predator. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 28 (11): 2054 – 2067. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12720
Gotanda, K., Sharpe, D.M.T. and De León, L.F. 2015. Galapagos Mockingbird preys on an invasive mammal. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 127(1): 138-141. doi: 10.1676/14-055.1
Sharpe, D.M.T., and Chapman, L.J. 2014. Niche expansion in a resilient endemic species following introduction of a novel top predator. Freshwater Biology. 59(12): 2539-2554. doi: 10.1111/fwb.12452
Downing A. S., van Nes E. H., Balirwa J. S., Beuving J., Bwathondi P. O. J., Chapman L. J., Cornelissen I. J. M., Cowx I. G., Goudswaard K. P. C., Hecky R. E., Janse J. H., Kaufman L., Kishe-Machumu M. A., Kolding J., Ligtvoet W., Mbabazi D., Medard M., Mkumbo O. C., Mlaponi E., Munyaho A. T., Nagelkerke L. A. J., Ogutu-Ohwayo R., Ojwang W. O., Peter H. K., Scheffer M., Schindler D. E., Seehausen O., Sharpe D.M.T., Silsbe G., Sitoki L., Tumwebaze R., Tweddle D., van de Wolfshaar K. E., van Dijk H., van Donk E., van Rijssel J. C., van Zwieten P. A. M., Verreth J., Wanink J., Witte F., Mooij W. M. Coupled human and natural system dynamics as key to the sustainability of Lake Victoria's ecosystem. Society and Ecology. 19(4): 31 (PDF)
Sharpe, D.M.T., Wandera, S.B. and Chapman, L.J. 2012. Life history change in response to fishing and an introduced predator in the East African cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. Evolutionary Applications, 5(7): 677-693. doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2012.00245.x. (PDF)
Sharpe, D. M.T. and Hendry, A.P. 2009. Life history change in commercially exploited fish stocks: an analysis of trends across studies. Evolutionary Applications, 2(3): 260-275. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2009.00080.x (PDF)
Perry, J.C., Sharpe, D.M.T., Rowe, L. 2009. Condition-dependent female remating resistance generates sexual selection on male size in a ladybird beetle. Animal Behaviour, 77 (3): 743-748. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.12.013
Sharpe, D.M.T. , Räsänen, K., Berner, D., and Hendry, A.P. 2008. Genetic and environmental contributions to the morphology of lake and stream stickleback: implications for gene flow and reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10 (6): 849-866. (abstract)
Book Chapters
Chapman, L.J. and Sharpe, D.M.T. 2015 Harvest-induced phenotypic change in inland fisheries. Pages 626 – 640 in Freshwater Fisheries Ecology, Ed. J. Craig. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. doi: 10.1002/9781118394380.ch49